Historically important day for relationship between Bosnia and Hezegovina and Canada
Please support the Friends of Bosnia and Herzegovina Group in the Canadian Parliament
IRGC calls for adopting the Bill C-533 – second parliamentary reading
IRGC calls for adopting the Bill C-533 – second parliamentary reading

IRGC calls for International Campaign to end Bosnian Genocide Denial
IRGC calls for International Campaign to end Bosnian Genocide Denial
A Statement by the Institute for Research of Genocide of Canada (IRGC) marking the 16th Anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide
We remember the 1995 Srebrenica Genocide and we honor all victims of the 1992-1995 Bosnian Genocide.

Arrest of Ratko Mladic, Statement by the Institute for the Research of Genocide, Canada
GENERAL RATKO MLADIC CAPTURED ! Indicted for Bosnian Genocide at Srebrenica and other cities in Bosnia.

The History of Genocides
A libellous and racist hate-campaign has been waged by the genocide-deniers - above all, Islamophobic far-right elements in North America - against members of the Institute for the Research of Genocide, Canada (IRGC).

Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Peace in the Europe
Despite our awareness that the peace and future of Bosnia and Herzegovina must be the result of efforts by its domestic powers, we are very much convinced that the political situation in the country, and the political composition that has resulted from the recent elections (held 3 October 2021) are not such that they could result in any vital decisions that would change our current undemocratic and imposed constitution, without a significant intervention by the international community.

The Institute for Research of Genocide of Canada (IRGC) marks Holocaust Memorial Day
Holocaust Memorial Day is commemorated on 27th January every year and observed all over the world, in memory of all victims of World War II Holocaust.

Re: Genocide Denying Prof. William Schabas, Letter to the International Network of Genocide Scholars (INOGS)
Letter to the International Network of Genocide Scholars Regarding Genocide Denying Prof. William Schabas

The Chetniks and the Jews
The entire army of Draza Mihailovic's Serbian Chetniks collaborated with Nazis. Serbia was a Nazi puppet state in World War II led by Milan Nedic, Serbian fascist collaborator.

“Fragments”@ Nuit Blanche 2010
Our responsibility as victims of aggression and genocide is to talk about our experiences. It does not matter how large or small these experiences are; we are all victims...

Images of Bosnian Genocide Survivors’ Eyes Mounted on TTC Station Platforms in Toronto, Canada
Images of Bosnian Genocide Survivors' Eyes Mounted on TTC Station Platforms in Toronto, Canada...

Toronto, Canada - 15th Commemoration of Srebrenica Genocide
Canadians Remembering Srebrenica Genocide - Promoting education, remembrance and research of the Srebrenica genocide

President-obama-marks-15th-anniversary-of-srebrenica genocide
On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the genocide at Srebrenica, and on behalf of the United States, I join my voice with those who are gathered to mourn a great loss and to reflect on an unimaginable tragedy.

President Obama Announces Presidential Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina to Attend the Ceremony Commemorating the 15th Anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide

Interview with Nihada Hodzic, Survivor of the Zaklopaca Massacre
Zaklopaca Massacre of 16 May 1992: Three years before the Srebrenica Genocide, Serb forces slaughtered at least 63 unarmed Bosniak civilians - women, children and the elderly - in the village of Zaklopaca.

Facts About Srebrenica Genocide - A Multitude of Evidence
There is a multitude of evidence publicly available that proves that Bosnian Serb and other forces executed 7,000 to 8,000 Bosnian Muslim prisoners from Srebrenica in one week in July 1995...

The International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust
We commemorate the millions of victims of Nazi persecution. We solemnly reflect on the massacre of nearly one third of the Jewish people and countless other minorities. We gather here today, united by a common responsibility...

Srebrenica Remembrance Day Campaign in Windsor, ON
"This anniversary raises awareness of the tragic suffering of the people of Bosnia and honours and remembers those who were killed as a result of the policies of genocide, ethnic cleansing, and war crimes."

Christiane Amanpour - Eyewitness Testimony
"Srebrenica was besieged, we couldn't get in. So we waited outside, and they brought out truckloads of wounded. All of them were children, desperately injured children with dirty bandages and blood all over..."

Involvement of Serbs in the Holocaust of Jews
Serbian Chetnik resistance against the Nazis came to a complete stop as early as the end of 1941. Thereafter, the Chetnik resistance actively collaborated with the both Nazis and Fascists.

DNA Results Support Estimate of 8,100 Srebrenica Genocide Victims
Through the use of DNA identity testing, the ICMP has revealed the identity of 6,186 Srebrenica Genocide victims. Additionally, the DNA results support an estimate of 8,100 genocide victims.

Ron Haviv – Eyewitness Testimony
Ron Haviv became a witness to some of the first atrocities in the Bosnian war as the Serbian units assaulted and killed Bosniak civilians. Despite being told not to take photographs, Haviv managed to document some of what he saw.

Book Review: Sarah Wagner’s To Know Where He Lies
Sarah Wagner’s ethnography To Know Where He Lies examines the innovative DNA technology developed to identify the remains of the estimated 8,000 men and boys killed in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Vital genocide documents concealed
While presenting evidence against Serbia on the first case of genocide ever held before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Bosnia was prevented from calling for documents that might have provided evidence against Serbia for genocide.

Serbia’s Darkest Pages Hidden from Genocide Court
Serbia, the heir to Yugoslavia, obtained court permission to keep parts of the archives out of the public eye, citing national security. Its lawyers blacked out many sensitive - those who have seen them say incriminating - pages.

Hasan Nuhanović – Eyewitness Testimony
After Srebrenica fell to the Bosnian Serb army in July 1995, the Bosnian Serbs killed more than 8,000 Bosniak men and boys. Hasan Nuhanović lost his family in the largest massacre on European soil since the Holocaust.

Nataša Kandić – Eyewitness Testimony
The Bosniak boys and men in this video were executed by members of the Scorpions paramilitary unit. Bosniak victims were forced to lie down at the side of the road before being executed.

Dragan Obrenović (perpetrator) – Eyewitness Testimony
After Srebrenica fell to Bosnian Serb forces in July 1995, Dragan Obrenović helped implement the plan to kill Bosniak civilians and prisoners of war.

Welcome Message from the President
On behalf of the Institute for Research of Genocide (Canadian Branch), as well as on my own behalf, it is both an honour and a pleasure to extend to you my most sincere welcome! This website is committed to informing you of the relevant academic, social, and all other activities of the Institute... Read all ... -
Bosnia and Herzegovina - historic facts
This paper is intended to give contribution to the celebration of the 25th November – Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina statehood and, in this regard, it represents the objective scientific findings related to the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which confirms that Bosnia and Herzegovina... Read all ...