Canadian Parliament Adopts Srebrenica Genocide Resolution

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ACTION ALERT: Call for a Removal of ICTY Judge Flügge from Mladic's Trial

Institute for the Research of Genocide Canada

The 1993 Srebrenica Children Massacre

Institute for the Research of Genocide Canada
Published: August 20, 2010  

The Srebrenica Children Massacre occurred more than two years before the Srebrenica genocide. On April 12th 1993, Serbs from heavily armed villages around Srebrenica deliberately targeted Srebrenica’s elementary school killing 74 Bosniak children and seriously injuring more than 150 children. One of them was Sead Bekric. Please take a look at the following testimony from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) in Washington, D.C.

Institute for the Research of Genocide Canada