The elections in Canada present a critical point for Canadian Bosniaks to elect a government whose policies will positively impact the Bosniak community in Canada and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Institute for the Research of Genocide Canada
Published: March 31, 2011
The elections in Canada present a critical point for Canadian Bosniaks to elect a government whose policies will positively impact the Bosniak community in Canada and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Voting in a democratic society is the most fundamental right and provides for a platform to voice one’s opinion on elected leaders and overall policies. The ability to vote in Canada is a cherished constitutional right that must be exercised by all in order to ensure proper representation in all levels of government. The upcoming elections in Canada are an opportunity to affect policy and social changes aimed at preserving the Canadian cultural mosaic and protecting the rights of minorities as key pillars of Canadian democracy. As Canadian Bosniaks, it is our civic duty to strive to move the Canadian society forward as closely as possible to the ideals of justice, fairness, equity and compassion for all Canadians. Canadian Bosniaks are obliged to work in cooperation with all Canadian citizens for common causes that are beneficial to all Canadians.
Canadian Bosniaks have a duty to help elect those who uphold values of liberty, freedom, and fairness for all those residing in Canada. There is no better way to ensure that we will be able to enjoy our freedoms and God-given rights, as guaranteed to us in the Canadian Constitution.
The Congress of North American Bosniaks {CNAB} and its Canadian Branch look forward to working with the leaders and members of those Canadian political parties that support constitutional rights of Bosniak Canadians, and justice and stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia and Herzegovina is strategically important to Canada and we hope that together we can guide Bosnia and Herzegovina on the path to full membership in the European Union and NATO. Bosnia and Herzegovina needs strong leadership and guidance from Canada to aid in its democratization process and elimination of key roadblocks on this path. It is of vital importance that the international community and Canadian foreign policy play a key role in the formation of a new constitution that will be focused on civic representation rather than ethno-territorial injustices. Additionally, Canadian Bosniaks will support those politicians who condemn hate speech and denial of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina and elsewhere. It is important for a diverse society to recognize the dangers of hate speech and appropriately protect minorities against hate and discrimination.
The elections in Canada present a critical point for Canadian Bosniaks to elect a government whose policies will positively impact the Bosniak community in Canada and Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is why it is very important for all Canadian Bosniaks to exercise their civic duty and vote in the upcoming May’s election, as it provides an opportunity to voice their opinions.
Haris Alibasic, MPA
President of the CNAB Board of Directors
Prof. Emir Ramic
President of the Canadian Branch of CNAB